Sunday, June 26, 2011

Hiking in El Cajas

El Cajas is a highly protected national treasure, a national park

The order of pictures got all mixed up.  This is the after the hike, in the lodge, getting ourselves warmed up.

This is the lake (one of many in the park) that we walked around.  It does look flat, doesn't it?  And short, and easy.  But it isn't.

Dayana and I on the trail, which was easy to see at this point.

Sorry about that---it was supposed to be rotated

taking a breather

See my white gloves?  Bobby bought them the day before for me at an indigenous market.  They're hand made, huge, but pretty warm.  Of course, now they're full of mud.  Can't we just through them in the laundry?

See, I told you it wasn't completely flat!

Our lunch spot

Oops!  A repeat!

Oops!  Another repeat!  Techolology and I haven't friended ourselves on Facebook yet

When the sun came out for a second, we got excited.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

The Sanchez Family

Guiliana, age 7, wearing butterfly sunglasse.  Isn't she pretty?

Volleyball after a picnic in the park, played with a rope tied between 2 trees

The long gringo lady and the short Ecuadorian human beings

Don't take a picture of me with my mouth full!

José Carlos, the confirmant, with his godfather and Uncle Claudio (who fixed José Carlos' hair for the occasion)

José Carlos and his maternal aunt after the service.

José Carlos was proud of his hair style and happily modeled if for a photo!  This was taken in the church yard.

Guiliana back at their home, in her princess fairy dress with her Hello Kitty sweater.  I think she's adorable.  But them, we're pretty crazy about them all!

Bobby and Elsa dancing, Juan Carlos in the corner taking a picture

Terri and Nancy, Elsa's sister who lives with them.  She and I danced together, but nobody took a picture of it.

Nancy dancing with Juan Carlos.  Too much light in the picture, but I put in in anyway, because I like it.

José Carlos and Dad clowning around dancing, Sebastian peeking between them. 

The two on the left are the Sanchez' landlorrds, Maurio and Maribel; on the right is Maurio's sister.

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Terri and Bobby with Claudio, Elsa's brother

Juan Carlos and Elsa dancing.  They look good, don't they?

Sebastian, son of Maurio and Maribel.  He has two speeds---wide open and sound asleep!

Maurio and Maribel dancing

Claudio and Terri dancing

Group dance!  (See Bobby's head over Elsa's?)

A thorn between 2 roses.

Sabastian sitting on Mom's lap, next to his aunt

The cake (which was delicious!) says 'Congratulations José Carlos and Fernando José.  The fiesta was celebrating Fernando's First Communion as well, which had occurred recently.

Dad and the two boys being fêted (Fernando already in his pajamas)

Juan Carlos trying to teach Terri a dance