Thursday, May 5, 2011


The orquideria on the way to Sigsig---we were astounded by the many, many varieties of beautiful orchids that are shipped all over the world.

In front of the church at the town square in Chordeleg, a pueblo known for its handmade jewelry.  I stimulated the economy  there.

Elsa, the mother of the family who adopted us, and her middle child,  10-year-old Fernando Jose, who is wearing a panama style hat his clever mother made by hand

Giuliana, 7-year-old daughter, in the town square garden in Chordeleg.  She's actually much cuter than the picture shows.

Bobby trying on a Panama hat---but not buying, because they're quite expensive, since they're mostly shipped abroad

Jose Carlos, 11-years-old, trying out a small guitar at the apple festival

Between Chordeleg and Sigsig

Elsa and Jose Carlos, Mami and Papi, as kids call their parents here

You know who, at a gorgeous park by a river in Sigsig

At the Panama hat factory in Sigsig.  The hats are woven by hand and these women iron them and sort of mold them into the right shape.

Plaque at the hat factory.  It says, "Let us care for naure.  Why?  We are part of her.'

A gorgeous waterfall I had to take a picture of!

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